to the website that provides you GST information on your business and also provides you direct access to the website
of your industry association.
There are 120 industry association websites you can
and Your Business
Tax Office has produced a GST ruling for some 30 industries. The rulings provide specific information
on how the GST operates for your industry.
The industries covered by the rulings include:
obtain a copy of the ruling relevant to your industry, go
to Rulings and click
on Topics and Publications (left hand column) and then click on Industries (bottom, right hand side). This will provide you direct access to your industry GST ruling published by the Tax Office.
We suggest you download a copy of any relevant rulings.
and Your Industry Association Find a Contact and Website
industry associations (eg. Australian Hotels Association for
pubs) provide members valuable GST and other information.
We have collected the contact details (including website addresses)
of over 100 industry associations. Check to see if your industry
body is listed. Simply select your industry type from the
list above and 'click' on the relevant industry. A choice
of industry associations will then be displayed.
For each association we have provided details of the relevant
GST contact person, their phone, fax and email address and
the website address of the association. Mention this great
reference source to your friends and colleagues.